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Office on Drugs 

and Crime


Strengthening International Cooperation to Combat the Global Opioid Crisis

The global opioid crisis has become a critical international health emergency, impacting millions of individuals across the globe. The crisis, driven by a complex interplay of factors, has resulted in a dramatic increase in overdose deaths, widespread public health issues, and significant social disruption. As opioids continue to be trafficked across borders through sophisticated networks, it is evident that no country can confront this challenge on its own. A unified global response is essential, where nations collaborate by sharing expertise, resources, and strategies to effectively combat this unprecedented health epidemic. The UNODC is committed to enhancing international cooperation and fostering a collective response to the crisis, aiming to reduce the epidemic's devastating effects and work towards building stronger, healthier communities worldwide.



ALFRED THOMAS : Chairperson

Diplomacy is like jazz: endless variations on a theme.
-Richard Holbrooke


BRIHAN SHANKAR : Vice-Chairperson

"AI Checkers are Bogus"
Hailing from the Gurukul Delegation, Brihan Shankar boasts a perfect placement record and has left an impressive mark on the MUN circuit despite his recent arrival. With a special knack for legalities and catching logical fallacies in speeches, Brihan leaves a mark on every MUN conference that he goes to. He also hates talking in the third person.

Contact Us !

+91 63611 03858

Daksh Sarawgi- Secretary General

+91 99022 79390

Meher Bhunia- Director General

+91 86183 47343

Arin Jagtap- USG of Delegate Affairs


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